Guide to Writing your Resume

Writing a resume and not sure where to start?

Your resume is the first impression that an organisation has of you. It is important that your resume is clear and offers a complete understanding of your qualifications, skills, responsibilities and work experience.

The team at GBS have put together a resume writing guide, displaying tips and a basic template that will help get you started. This is a guide only and you can tailor to your unique situation and the position your applying for. Often we are asked to assist with resume writing, the truth is, the best person to write your resume is you! Your resume represents you, your unique situation, language and style.
Another option you could use for some other resume ideas…use the Microsoft Word 2013 tool. The majority of people use this at home or can gain access via family, friends or their local library.

When you open the Word 2013 program, you have an option to search templates or select a blank document. Take the search option and type in ‘resumes,’ this will provide you with a huge range of resume templates to work from or gather ideas to present yourself as best as you can to prospective employers.Some examples for you to view (click to view each example)

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